The benefits of ETL and data warehousing can be diminished by high costs, slow turn-around time, and incomplete sets of information in data sources. 由于高费用、较慢的周转周期以及数据源中不完整的信息集而使ETL和数据仓库的优势大打折扣。
Turn-around time of ships in port Departure Report 船舶港内装卸进出时间出口报告书离港报告
Turn-around time of ships in port all time saved both ends 船舶港内装卸进出时间装卸两港节省全部时间
Turn-around time of ships in port dispatch payable both ends 船舶港内装卸进出时间速遣费在装卸两港支付
In the scheduled delivery model, a customer can receive a hotfix to address their most critical situations with a short turn-around time. 计划传递模型,中客户可接收修复程序来解决他们最重要情况与短turn-周转时间。